Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

A Walk To Remember (Kan Ku Kenang Selalu)

Nama         : Kristianto Nadeak
NPM           : 29211243
Kelas          : 3EB01

A Walk To Remember (Kan Ku Kenang Selalu)
A Walk to Remember is a American coming-of-age teen romantic drama film based on the 1999 romance novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks. The film stars Shane West (Landon Carter) and Mandy Moore (Jamie Elizabeth).

I'll tell a little about this film
When a prank on a fellow high-school student, Clay Gephardt, goes wrong, popular but rebellious Landon Carter (Shane West) is threatened with expulsion. His punishment is mandatory participation in various after-school activities, such as tutoring disadvantaged children and performing in the drama club's spring musical. At these functions he is forced to interact with quiet, bookish Jamie Elizabeth (Mandy Moore), a girl he has known for many years but to whom he has rarely ever spoken. Their differing social statures leave them worlds apart, despite their close physical proximity.
When Landon has trouble learning his lines, he asks Jamie for help. She agrees to help him if he promises not to fall in love with her. Landon laughs off the strange remark, believing Jamie to be the last person with whom he would ever fall in love. After all, Landon has access to the prettiest and most popular girls in town; and between her shy demeanor and old-fashioned wardrobe, Jamie doesn't exactly fall into that category. Landon and Jamie begin practicing together at her house after school. The two form a tentative friendship, and Landon learns that Jamie has a wish list of all the things she hopes to do in her life, such as getting a tattoo and being in two places at once. One day, Jamie approaches Landon at his locker, where he is hanging out with some of his friends. When Jamie asks Landon if they are still on for practice that afternoon he smirks "In your dreams". His friends laugh and Landon's smirk falters as Jamie's face fills with betrayal and embarrassment. That afternoon Landon arrives at Jamie's house, hoping that Jamie will still agree to help him. But she refuses to open the door. When she eventually does, she sarcastically remarks that they can be "secret friends". She slams the door in his face when he agrees. Landon eventually learns the script by himself.
During the play, Jamie astounds Landon and the entire audience with her beauty and voice. Landon kisses Jamie during the play, which was not in the script, and Landon tries to get close to Jamie, but she repeatedly rejects him. Soon thereafter, however, Landon's friends publicly humiliate Jamie by morphing her face on the photo of a scantily clad woman. Landon angrily confronts his friend, punching him and publicly siding with Jamie. Afterwards, Landon and Jamie begin a relationship in which Landon dedicates most of his time to her. He sets out to make all the things on her wishlist to come true, such as taking her to a state border so that she can stand on either side of the line and, thus, be in two places at once. He also visits Clay Gephardt to try and make up with him. In the final stretch of the movie, Jamie confesses to Landon that she has terminal leukemia and has stopped responding to treatments. Landon gets upset at first. Jamie tells him that she didn't tell him because she was moving on with her life and using the time she had left but then Landon happened and she fell deeply in love with him. She says that she "does not need a reason to be angry at God". Landon goes to his father, who is a doctor, and asks him to help Jamie. His father freaks out a bit and says that he needs to examine Jamie and know her medical history before he could do anything. Landon leaves in a huff.
Landon and Jamie make up the next day. They hug and he tells her that he will be there for her. Soon, word gets out about Jamie's illness. Eric, Landon's best friend, comes and tells him how sorry he is and that he didn't understand. Dean and Belinda both come and apologize, too. Jamie's cancer gets worse and she collapses in her father's arms. He rushes her to the hospital where he meets Landon. Landon doesn't leave Jamie's side until her father
practically has to pry him away. Jamie's father sits with Jamie and tells her that "If I've kept you too close, it's because I wanted to keep you longer." Jamie tells him that she loves him and he breaks down. Later, Jamie gives Landon a book that was her mother's filled with quotations. Landon reads 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 along with her. Jamie then tells Landon that she believes that God sent him to her to help her through her illness and that he is her angel. The next day, Landon comes to the hospital and sees Jamie being wheeled out. Jamie asks him to thank his father for her. He later learns that his father is going to pay for private home care for Jamie, leaving Landon stunned. Landon shows up at his father's door and thanks him before breaking down in tears as his father hugs him. Landon continues to fulfill various wishes on Jamie's list, such as building her a telescope so she can see a comet. Through this process, Landon and Jamie learn more about the nature of love. They eventually get married in the same chapel Jamie's parents were married in, which is the top thing on her list she wanted to do. Landon narrates that they had a wonderful summer together after getting married and that Jamie passed away shortly after. Landon himself becomes a better person through Jamie's memory, achieving the goals that he set out to do, like she did.
Four years later, Landon visits Jamie's father and shows that he is still a better person because of Jamie by informing her father that he has been accepted into medical school; prior to falling in love with Jamie, he had no plans for his future after high school. Jamie's father tells him that both he and his mother are proud of him and that Jamie would be too. Landon tells him that he is sorry he never granted Jamie's wish to witness a miracle. Jamie's father tells him that she did, in fact, witness one: Landon. Carrying that thought, Landon goes for a walk on the docks where he narrates that Jamie changed him forever and that while he does miss her, he believes their enduring love is like the wind, “he can't see it but he will always feel it”.

I Liked This Movie
I liked this film because the film is presented with background classical drama. The film is certainly inspire me, where a girl shows herself not with words, but with their daily activities. The film also includes assessing the meaning that the person should not be seen by looking at just a glance, but the hook is sincere.

I liked the character in the film is Jamie Elizabeth
Saya menyukai Jamie karena kepribadiannya dalam membawakan film ini, dimana saya melihat bahwa setiap kata kata yang ungkapkan oleh  jamie selalu bermakna dan sangat dalam jika kita merasakannya. One more, each expressed by jamie's what always match facenya very innocent and sincere. Ketulusan, kelemah lembutan dan keluguan tersebut menginspirasi saya. selain itu saya menyukai jamie karena dia sangat sederhana, akan tetapi juga sungguh beautifull.

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